Your satisfaction and confidence is of utmost importance to us, which is why we guarantee the item you purchase will be exactly as described in the photographs, text and condition report. If the item is different than described, just contact us to return it within 48 hours of delivery and we will cover the cost of shipping in both directions.
For other returns, where the item is described correctly but might not be exactly what you are looking for, contact us for a return authorization within 14 days of delivery. All packing and shipping costs will always be deducted from the refund as well as 3.5% for the credit card processing fees paid (as these are not refunded to us by the processor) if payment is made via credit card or PayPal. There is no credit card fee for Zelle, Bank Transfer or check payments, making these the most efficient payment options if for any reason you think a return will be necessary. Returns shipping is entirely the buyer’s responsibility to arrange and pay for; the returned item must be received in original condition within 14 days of return authorization - in the event the item requires freight or white-glove shipping to return (large, fragile or complicated items), it must be received within 30 days of the return authorization. Items arriving past the 14-day window (for smaller items) or 30-day window (for freight/white glove items) will be offered a store credit only.
Purchased item(s) will generally ship within five to ten business days of receiving cleared payment. In the event a client has requested shipment be delayed or where shipping/pickup is being handled by the client, item(s) are eligible for return for 14 days from date of payment after which point the sale is final.
Sale of any item(s) where a client has requested custom work, alteration, conservation or restoration to be completed is final and is not eligible for return.
International and installment sale purchases are not eligible for return.